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- Events
- News
- Living with dementia during a pandemic
- ARC KSS recruits four implementation leads
- Designing research through lived experience of young people across Sussex
- Research launched to understand and support BAME communities during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Study launched to understand impact of COVID 19 on care home workers, residents and their families
- NIHR Public Interest Group call for a revamp of the UK's public health function
- Care leavers send message to Government
- ARC KSS Academy launches mentoring training
- Health policy expert appointed to government select committee
- Coronavirus leaflets co-produced to help inform BAME communities
- Research shows COVID impact on people living with dementia and their carers
- Supporting care leavers during and after lockdown
- Members of the public join ARC KSS public and community group
- Individual Development Awards announced
- Understanding and supporting our researchers in Kent, Surrey and Sussex
- Meeting the mental health and wellbeing needs of students throughout and post-COVID
- Resources launched to help support care leavers
- ARC KSS unveils strategy to engage and involve communities and the public
- Dementia Newsletter: Out Now
- ARC KSS research activity and capacity building exercise: results out now
- Online v in-person therapy? Lessons learnt and research-informed guidelines for communication
- Darzi Fellowship in Clinical Leadership opportunity
- A guide to co-production for researchers, services and commissioners
- BLOG: Care planning for quality of life in care homes
- Voluntary sector plays key role in delivering community services during lockdown
- Academy Researcher's Week 2021 (12-16 July)
- Board Public Advisor: a personal perspective
- Research update
- ARC KSS Living Well with Dementia, May 2021 update
- Towards Changing Practice: Six new projects funded
- Research Poster Competition
- Caring in company: a pre-Covid snapshot of day centres in south London
- ARC funded Scholarship opportunities
- Kent young people support care leavers as lockdown eases
- Join us for ARC KSS Researcher's Week (12-16 July)
- Co-production explained
- BLOG: Shaping health and social care in Kent, Surrey and Sussex
- Public Involvement in Adult Social Care
- Research poster competition: winners announced
- ARC KSS launches new Individual Development Awards for Applied Health and Social Care Research
- Top Tips Series - Episode 1: Methodological and Statistical detail for your funding application
- BLOG: Co-production: A personal journey
- Mixed research methods or mixed up methods?
- Top Tip series - episode 2: Searching the literature
- NIHR Public Involvement feedback survey
- ARC KSS hosts annual dementia day
- The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with dementia and their carers: key findings
- Young people recommend improvements to digital mental health services
- All-Party Parliamentary Group launches new report on eating disorders
- Getting KSS Research Ready
- Adult Social Care and Social Work sets out national priorities
- Co-production case studies: A retrospective review of case studies carried out within ARC KSS
- Supporting Care workers during COVID
- Academy launches Learning and Development Finder Tool
- BLOG: Understanding the experiences of female migrants living in Kent, Surrey and Sussex
- Remote memory assessment toolkit launched to help clinicians deliver services for patients with dementia
- A review of Mental Health Support teams' approach to support schools to deliver a whole school approach to improve the mental health of wellbeing of children
- ARC KSS hosts Dementia and Alcohol event
- Extending the voice of the public in ARC KSS
- New Individual Development Awards – the successful awardees announced
- ARC KSS pre-announcement: open funding call for research and evidence projects
- Guidelines launched to support children and families online mental health services
- BLOG: Revealing the (enabling) Matrix
- New Individual Development Awards launched to support individuals in their research careers
- Alcohol, dementia, and alcohol related brain damage: Key messages for services
- Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Mapping Report published
- ARC KSS Priorities for Care: Open funding call for research and evidence projects
- BLOG: Co-producing health information resources with ethnic minorities
- Your Guide to Public Community Involvement and Engagement
- ARC KSS sets out social care research priorities
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion research poster competition 2022 launched
- NIHR ARCs mark halfway milestone with 15 research stories
- Addressing barriers to engagement, involvement & participation in research by ethnic minorities
- Full programme for ARC KSS Research Week announced
- ARC KSS funded scholarship opportunities
- VIDEO: Join us for ARC KSS Research Week 2022
- BLOG: From carer to digital innovation theme public advisor
- Hat trick success for NIHR short placement awards
- Research Poster Competition – winners announced
- New Springboard awardees announced
- Sussex partners join forces to improve young people's mental health
- ARC KSS unveils more research opportunities
- VIDEO: My Research Story … so far - Dr Claire Bates, Supported Loving Lead, Choice Support
- VIDEO: Top tips for implementation and impact in health and social care research
- VIDEO: Research Governance and Ethics – an overview
- VIDEO: Realist approach in research – an overview
- BLOG: New Good Lives, Learning Disability Research Network launched
- ARC KSS welcomes NIHR funding for dementia researchers
- BLOG: Beginning the journey of co-production: starting with values to destination who knows where!
- NIHR launches new publishing platform for all types of research output
- Evaluating Discharge to Assess Pathways (D2A)
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at heart of Research Week programme
- Children's mental health and neurodiversity is top of research agenda in Kent, Surrey and Sussex
- ARC KSS announces new 'Priorities for Care' research projects
- ARC KSS hosts Autumn Symposium
- Children's mental health experts share 'Whole School Approach' good practice
- ARCs join forces to support early career researchers
- Making mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority
- BLOG: Achieving people-centred integrated care through place-based learning
- Exploring digital solutions to tackle social isolation in the homecare sector
- CASE STUDY: My research journey by Damla Harmanci
- CASE STUDY: My research journey by Claire Bates
- CASE STUDY: My research journey by Gillian Eaglestone
- CASE STUDY: My research journey by Alys Mathers
- Health and Social Care Research Quick Guide launched to aid practitioners on their research journey
- BLOG: Sharing ideas and experiences will lead to better outcomes
- Local graphic design student wins research logo competition
- ARC KSS publishes annual report
- Applied Research Collaborations come together to develop national adult social care agenda
- Supporting local services to undertake research in children and young people's mental health and wellbeing
- New cohort of Springboard awardees announced
- New Co-production guide launched
- New awards launched to support children and young people's mental health researchers
- New youth research partnership funding opportunities launched
- Collaboration, partnership and working together research poster competition 2023 launched
- ARC KSS hosts its first research symposium of 2023
- Researchers in Kent, Surrey and Sussex consult with citizens about 'unlocking health data'
- Overcoming the organisational challenges of paying public contributors
- New cohort of Investment in Future Leaders awardees announced
- Supporting the fight against COVID-19
- First joint grant writing and development retreat held for Kent, Surrey and Sussex's researchers
- ARC KSS colleagues attend South East Public Health Conference
- Supporting the delivery of good practice in maternity service for parents with learning disabilities
- Full programme for ARC KSS Research Week announced
- PhD scholarship opportunity in primary and community care research
- VIDEO: Join us for ARC KSS Research Week 2023
- #BePartOfResearch: A public member's perspective
- Supporting organisations to evaluate services and demonstrate impact
- PhD scholarship opportunity in Social Care
- Reducing hospital stays and improving patient care – an evaluation of Discharge to Assess pathways across Kent Surrey and Sussex
- Research Poster Competition – winners announced
- VIDEO: CAVEAT - The Community and Voluntary Organisation Evaluation Toolkit
- INTERVIEW: Reflections of being involved in a Research Champion Programme
- BLOG: Sharing project findings with collaborators and providers
- BLOG: A public member’s perspective on co-production: Project Experience
- BLOG: Thinking about co-production through community participatory action research
- Applied Research Collaborations and Local Authorities come together at a research capacity workshop
- BLOG: National Co-production Week: Towards understanding co-production
- Wider collaboration and exploring new possibilities in applied research at heart of Research Week programme
- New tool launched to support charities and not-for-profit organisations to demonstrate and measure impact
- BLOG: Talk In Equality
- Creating inclusive residential care for LGBTQ+ elders
- BLOG: Experiences of the NIHR Doctoral Research Training Camp 2023
- Children and young people's mental health research a top priority across Kent, Surrey and Sussex
- VACANCY: Starting Well: Children and Young People's Mental Health Public Advisor
- Coming soon: More award opportunities for research collaboration
- BLOG: Early intervention in mental health: an international experience
- PODCAST: Talk In Equality series launched
- PODCAST: Talk In Equality episode 2
- PODCAST: Talk In Equality episode 3
- BLOG: Supporting charities and not-for-profit organisations to demonstrate and measure impact
- Reflections on our Public Involvement Network's face-to-face collaboration day
- PODCAST: Talk In Equality episode 4
- PODCAST: Talk In Equality episode 5
- BLOG: Why the design of mental health research, services, policies, and commissioning must consider the needs of female migrants
- PODCAST: Talk In Equality episode 6
- Pledges to support care leaver's mental health: two years on
- Apply now for our 2024 Residential Grant Development and Writing Retreat
- ARC KSS publishes latest annual report summary
- VACANCIES: ARC KSS Theme Public Advisors
- New resource launched to optimise and support end-of-life care
- Second Youth Summit held in Sussex to support young people's mental wellbeing
- CASE STUDY: Stella Parkinson #ShapetheFuture
- CASE STUDY: Christopher Horler #ShapeTheFuture
- More awards for children and young people's mental health researchers
- CASE STUDY: Dr Sam Robertson #ShapeTheFuture
- Kent and Medway Dementia Care Co-ordinator evaluation: Interim lessons learnt
- Building a sustainable health community in East Surrey
- ARC KSS on track to deliver on its objectives
- BLOG: Parental Mental Health: A celebration of ideas by hero researchers
- Data Science Hub: Introducing the NHS Federated Data Platform
- Digital platform launched nationally to support mental health in schools and colleges
- My journey as a researcher
- Second grant writing and development retreat held for Kent, Surrey and Sussex's researchers
- Collaborating to support NHS priorities
- BLOG: Breaking down the barriers to inclusive residential care for older LGBTQ+ people
- BLOG: Autistic loving: the importance of supporting autistic people with relationships and sexuality
- National social care research learning community launched
- BLOG: Supporting improvement for hospital discharge
- New Adult Social Care Fellowship opportunities launched
- Supporting older people's care moves
- New information resource launched to help people live well with dementia
- Building research-capacity in the social care sector
- BLOG: How can we enable people to live well with dementia?
- Study reveals key factors contributing to hospital readmissions in older people living with dementia
- BLOG: The benefits of barefoot outdoor group exercise combined with mindfulness and meditation
- Essential steps for meaningful public involvement and co-production
- Developing researchers and engaging communities in health and social care research
- More research opportunities unveiled in Kent, Surrey and Sussex
- Enter our Research Poster Competition 2024 celebrating research capacity impact
- Research Week 2024 programme released
- BLOG: The Together Project celebrates Disability Pride Month and the contribution of people with learning disabilities to research
- New tool that supports people with cerebral palsy gets the thumbs up
- Changing culture not just process: community led support in action
- Supporting residents' wellbeing in older adult care homes
- BLOG: Building and using research evidence to enable health improvement
- Core intercultural concepts and principles toolkit published for those working with asylum seekers and migrants
- Research Poster Competition – winners announced
- New research reveals how long-term respiratory conditions could delay lung cancer diagnosis
- New guidance launched to help teachers make PSHE more inclusive in secondary schools
- BLOG: Paving the way to support and advance research culture within local government
- New guide for care homes to support inclusive care practice for older LGBTQ+ people
- Apply now for our 2025 Residential Grant Development and Writing Retreat
- Community creativity: a ‘must-do’ for health and wellbeing
- Research Week 2024: celebrating research capacity impact
- New funding to drive knowledge mobilisation in Kent, Surrey and Sussex
- New awards for social care researchers in Kent, Surrey and Sussex
- Job Opportunity: Invitation for Expressions of Interest for Co-Director at ARC KSS
- Individual Development Awards – the successful awardees announced
- BLOG: Menopause on the Margins - Bridging the Gap in menopause care
- ARC KSS delivering on its health and social care objectives
- New study highlights opportunities and challenges to delivering a system-wide dementia care coordinator service
- Empowering people with learning disabilities to become leaders
- Body Mapping – Forging the way for use of creative methods with public advisors across ARC KSS
- New resources to support older people’s transition between different care settings
- Innovative digital dementia tool addresses health access barriers for people living with dementia
- New Fellowship Programme launched to transform health and social care in Kent, Surrey and Sussex
- Championing change: Highlights from the 2024 Learning Disability Community of Practice Conference
- New programme developed to help parents in psychiatric hospital stay connected with their children
- Digital easy-read guides and self-assessment tools could be key to improving access to social care, study suggests
- Explore health and social care data with the ARC KSS Data Science Hub
- New Co-Director appointed to help lead the ARC KSS
- BLOG: My journey in dementia research
- More research needed on how to support people living alone with dementia
- Grant writing retreat offers continued support to local, applied health researchers
- Social care researchers unite to share insights and develop expertise
- Contact Us
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Adult Social Care & Social Work
- National Priorities Programme Adult Social Care & Social Work
- About
- Meet Our Team
- Our Programme of Work
- Well-being in care homes: implementation of (outcomes-based) care planning
- Digital Technologies to support social well-being of community dwelling adults - who use or may need social care services – and their carers (DiTSoW)
- Integrating social care in response to Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse: supporting the adult and child victim (VISTA)
- Strengths-based approaches to care: Implementation of person-centred community-based support services (PCCBSS) within healthcare and lessons for social care (Connected Communities)
- Strengths-based approaches to care: Community-led support approaches across social care and lessons for implementation (Community Led Support or CLS)
- National Priority Programme Public and Community Involvement, Engagement and Participation (cross-cutting PCIEP project)
- Building social care research infrastructure and workforce capacity
- Outputs