As part of this year's Research Week (9-12 September), ARC KSS would like to recognise and celebrate research capacity impact in applied health and social care research during the last five years.  Research capacity building is a key aspect of developing the researcher journey in ARC KSS.  We want to showcase and celebrate the phenomenal activities that researchers in the region have delivered during this first Kent, Surrey, Sussex ARC.  The impact from these projects paves the way for the future of applied health and social care research for the region.

In this competition, researchers are invited to submit a poster that should include an introduction to the project, aims, objectives, what has been achieved so far and what is hoped for the future impact of the project.  This should be suitable for a wide range of audiences.

All entries will be judged by a panel drawn from ARC KSS’s Organisation and Research Capacity Group (ORCA), Developing Research Careers Group and Public Advisors.

There will be a winner and a runner-up prize in categories of pre doctoral researchers and post doctoral researchers.  The winners will receive a £150 training bursary and second prize winners a £100 training bursary.

Prize winners will be invited to present their poster at the ARC KSS Research Symposium on 12 September at the University of Surrey, Guildford.  All participants will also have the opportunity to apply to present their poster at a ViPER session at the ARC KSS Research Symposium.

All poster entries will be available to view on the ARC KSS website throughout ARC KSS Research Week (9-12 September) and displayed at the Research Week Symposium.

Deadline for competition entry - 5pm, 9th August 2024.

For more information please click here

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