PCIE ensures research is relevant and focuses on outcomes that are important to people.  Excellent public involvement is an essential part of health and social care research.  Funders are increasingly expecting and requiring public involvement plans to be included in proposals and applications.


There are a number of recognised ways that PCIE can improve your research:

  • Public members can add a different perspective based on their personal experiences.
  • Public members can link with specific communities or groups they are involved with enabling you to tailor your research to their needs, increasing opportunities for recruitment.
  • Public members can advise you on how to disseminate your findings more widely.
  • A democratic and moral consideration is that people who are affected by research have a right to have a say in what and how publicly funded research is undertaken.
  • Public members can help in the design of your project, making sure the practical aspects of participating are sensitive, appropriate and inclusive of the culture and needs of those taking part in your research, leading to an improved participation experience.


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