Why Do People Get Involved?

We believe that everyone has something worthwhile to contribute and we are all working together to ensure that the voices of local people are at the heart of all we do.

Here are some reasons our public members gave for getting involved:

"You can never have true understanding of something through academia if lived experience is missing".  

"Although trite, my own adversity motivates me to support improvements, especially because my lived and learned experience is that we can do things better, and do better things".

"Championing the least heard opinions". 

"Meeting new and interesting people, and developing and utilising my skills".

"I have something to say". 

 Who Can Get Involved?

Are you an adult living (over 18 years) living in Kent, Surrey or Sussex with knowledge and, or, experience of Health or Social Care services?  Would you like to share your experiences and views to help us shape our research to improve the Health and Social Care services offered?

How Can You Get Involved?

We have a number of opportunities for public members to be involved in the work of the ARC, these are:

Public Contributor:

Being a  Public Contributor you will become part of our research family and have the opportunity to be involved in some of our locally based research projects.  We will let you know when opportunities to be involved become available via email and our dedicated online Public Advisors & Contributors Shared Space (PACS).  There is no minimum or maximum commitment, you are able to pick and choose the involvement opportunities as they are offered, depending on your interests and availability.

Signing up is a simple process which allows us to get to know you a little better.  For more information or an informal discussion please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to email the PCIE Team.  Alternatively, you can write to us at: Grove House, Southview Road, Crowborough, East Sussex, TN6 1HB.

 Public Advisor:

We have a team of public members who have taken on additional roles within ARC KSS as Public Advisors.  As well as being involved in the same way as the Public Contributors, Public Advisors work with our research theme teams and support the organisational work (governance) of ARC KSS, helping to ensure the research we support is relevant to our local communities and meets our objectives (aims/ goals). 

Meet our Theme Public Advisors:

To find out a little more, watch this video by one of our Theme Public Advisors, Karin Webb, about why she decided to join the ARC KSS and what it has meant to her. 

Meet our Board Public Advisors:

Click here to read Michelle Gardener's blog which explains where she feels her involvement as a board member has already made a difference and what she is hoping to achieve.

If your are interested in observing an ARC KSS Board meeting on public visit our Governance page for further information.

Keep up to date with all our activities and upcoming events by signing up to our two-monthly newsletter 'Spotlight'

 Graphic design created with our public members.




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