Leaflets that offer simple and relevant public health information about Coronavirus for the Hindi and Nepali speaking communities have been co-produced and co-designed by a team of researchers at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) with the help of community members from Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

The leaflets, developed as part of a Rapid Response COVID-19 project, funded by NIHR ARC Kent, Surrey and Sussex (ARC KSS) and led by Dr Priya Paudyal, Senior Lecturer in Public Health and Course Lead for MSc in Public Health at BSMS and her team, specifically involved Hindi and Nepalese speaking communities to help them better understand how the information should be presented and the language needed to make the biggest impact.

The research team collected feedback from the people involved in the study, as well as the broader communities – including some individuals from Nepal and India and involved the community members from start to finish.

Dr Priya Paudyal, Senior Lecturer in Public Health and Course Lead for MSc in Public Health at BSMS, explains:

“Growing evidence suggests that people from ethnic minority backgrounds in the UK experience disproportionate levels of ill health and mortality, and this has increased during the current COVID-19 crisis.

“We also know that elderly ethnic minorities are at particular risk, not only because of age-related vulnerabilities, but due to behavioural, social and cultural practices. And, while most of the public health guidance around COVID-19 is available in a range of languages they do not always reflect the traditional culture of these communities

“By working with selected community groups, we were able to develop and implement culturally appropriate leaflets to help increase health awareness and understanding among older people from BAME backgrounds. We’d like to encourage as many people as possible to share them within their communities."

The leaflets, which have been produced in Hindi and Nepali, offer the following advice and information:

  • What is COVID-19?
  • What are the main symptoms?
  • How does it spread?
  • Protective and preventative measures
  • Self-isolation (i.e. when to self-isolate; how to self-isolate)
  • Treatment at home
  • Contacting health services
  • Testing
  • NHS link to additional medical guidance.

The leaflets can be downloaded here:

Hindi Leaflet (January 2021)  

Nepali Leaflet (January 2021)

If you would like to find out more information or have any questions about this project email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ARC KSS Implementation Lead.

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