By Dr Diana Ramsey, ARC KSS Darzi Fellow

To coincide with Learning Disability Week (20-26 June) we are delighted to launch the Good Lives, Learning Disability Research Network, as part of this year's NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Kent Surrey and Sussex's (ARC KSS) Research Week.

The term 'nothing about us without us' is said to have started to be used in the 1990's in disability activism. It communicates the idea that no policy should be developed without the participation of the group or groups of people affected by the policy.

We want our research to be shaped by the people that live in our region. That's why it is really important for to us to build relationships with and listen to what people with a learning disability and their networks have to say.

The Good Lives Research Network is just one step we are taking towards supporting this goal. By joining our network, you will be able to make a valuable contribution to research and improve the lives of people around 80,000 people across Kent, Surrey and Sussex that are living with a learning disability.

So, if you live or work in Kent, Surrey or Sussex and want to say what's important to you; to be a focus of research; to part of research, or learn from research please do join today by clicking  here.

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