By Lou Lacey, ARC KSS PCIE Coordinator

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Public Involvement is integral in all we do at the Applied Research Collaboration Kent, Surrey and Sussex (ARC KSS); it is embedded in all areas of our work from governance to supporting as community connectors.  Making sure that public involvement is effective and meaningful is important to us and we have created a dedicated public involvement infrastructure known as the Public Involvement Network (PIN).

Following the success of last year's face-to face PIN away day, we hosted our second, in-person event in June of this year.  A space for PIN members to connect in a way that would be relaxing, enjoyable and engaging, helping to promote conversation, working together and information sharing.  As an alternative to the usual, strategic ways of working and  after the success of last year's creative collage making as a method of capturing feedback, we took a similar approach this time.

Drawing on the expertise of Dr Nadia Brooks (Theme lead for Co-production and Social Care, and PCIE Strategic Lead) and her use of Participatory Research Methods, such as body mapping, we decided to try this activity.

Working together in pairs, we provided PIN members with long plain sheets of paper and marker pens and asked them to either draw around each other or draw a body on paper.  We explained the theory around the chosen body mapping activity, and for the purpose of the PIN meeting, it was to explore questions of interest and appreciate how practices or thoughts relate to specific parts of the body.  They were asked to write on the body in the areas of the head (why they felt applied research is important), the heart (what inspires them to be involved), fingers (what connections they had that were relevant for research), and legs (if they have experienced any barriers to being involved). There was laughter, creative thinking and inspirational insights shared by our PIN members; a full summary of the activity, its findings and actions to work towards are summarised here.

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A wonderfully rewarding part of my role as a public involvement coordinator is connecting, in person, where possible with our public member community.  The virtual working environment carved into our daily workings is efficient and serves a purpose when many are geographically spread, yet it does not replace the relationship building that coming together in one place can create, sharing thoughts, creatively developing ideas and sharing laughter.  Incorporating creative methods in our work with public advisors is something that we enjoy at ARC KSS, and we look forward to doing more of this in the future.

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