CIRCLE Community of Practice 6

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CIRCLE Community of Practice 6 Showcase

Creating Inclusive Residential Care for LGBTQ+ Elders

Older LGBTQ+ people in care

At least 1 million people over 50 in the UK identify as LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer). They may have a greater need to access social care, specifically residential care, as they are more likely to live alone.

Research shows that older people who are LGBTQ+ experience discrimination when they use social care services, including residential care homes. During public consultation conversations, LGBTQ+ people told us that they are worried about going into residential care.

This is an ongoing issue and raises some important questions on how we can create more inclusive care models. Researchers from the University of Kent, Centre for Health Services Studies, led by Jolie Keemink, a leading researcher in this field, aims to address some of these questions in the CIRCLE study (Creating Inclusive Residential Care for LGBTQ+ Elders).

The Community of Practice

The project aim is to support residential care providers to be more inclusive towards older LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, +) people. To support ongoing learning in inclusive care practices, we are setting up an online Community of Practice (CoP); a group of people who share a common interest, come together to share best practice(s) and create new knowledge. This Community of Practice will focus on LGBTQ+ inclusive practice, and function as a support group enabling ongoing improvement and learning related to LGBTQ+ equality, diversity, and inclusion in residential care provision.

The group will be a safe space for people to discuss any concerns or issues arising regarding creating an inclusive LGBTQ+ environment for people, as well as having guest speakers, and training opportunities. This CoP is aimed at residential care providers (for older people), care commissioners, older LGBTQ+ people, and others to whom this area is relevant. 

For the sixth CoP, we will be celebrating queer joy. Dr Lexi Webster from The Univeristy of Southampton will be speaking about their research on queer joy. We will also be joined by queer elders speaking about what queer joy means to them. 

This free event will be held on Zoom, please sign up to receive the link.

This is a limited ticket event. If you can no longer attend, please cancel your order to allow others to join.

If you have any questions, please contact Jolie Keemink on

A research study, funded by the National Institute of Health & Care Research, Applied Research Collaboration Kent Surrey Sussex


19 June 2024

14:00 - 15:30

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