
Dr Nadia Brookes

Theme Lead

Dr Nadia Brookes
Miscellaneous Information

Nadia is a Senior Research Fellow at the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) within the University of Kent’s School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research.

She joined the Unit in 2008 and since then has led a number of European, national and local research projects for a range of funders including the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) School for Social Care Research and the European Commission. She is also a member of a regional Research for Patient Benefit research funding committee and a member of the College of Experts for the NIHR COVID Recovery and Learning Research call.

Before coming to Kent, Nadia held a number of senior research roles outside of academia within central and local government, the health service and the non-profit sector. Her research interests focus on social care, health, service delivery, innovation and outcomes.

Nadia has a long-standing interest in public involvement in service development and research which began in 2006 when she was responsible for the strategy and implementation of public involvement at a university hospital in London. Since then, she has been involved in a wide range of activities in this area, for example, she initiated and co-ordinated public involvement within the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU)-led Quality and Outcomes of person-centred care Research Unit (2011-18) alongside public partners.

Most recently, Nadia led a peer research programme with people with learning disabilities as part of research into adult placement in the community.

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