
Kath Sykes

Implementation Manager

Kath Sykes
Miscellaneous Information

Kath Sykes, Implementation Manager –  Living Well with Dementia

Kath Sykes is the  Implementation Manager - Living Well with Dementia, supporting Theme Lead Dr Naji Tabet. Kath is a nurse by background, and has worked in the NHS in London and Sussex for over 20 years, leading teams and services in Cancer/Haematology and Clinical Research. Across the system Kath has worked in Quality and Patient Safety in Commissioning including Mental Health and Dementia services, and supporting spread and adoption of innovation as Technology Navigator at the AHSN. Kath also holds a Masters in Clinical Research, focusing on mixed method research.

Kath is passionate about the Health and Social care system, quality improvement, supporting the development and spread of effective, proven, innovation that responds to recognised need by service users, improves the health and care outcomes of our populations, and supports our workforce.

Kath is delighted to be part of the implementation team of the ARC, working with all stakeholders across Kent, Surrey and Sussex as well as nationally, and ensuring that user needs and their voice are integral to the research we do as an ARC and the solutions we seek to implement.

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