
Kat Frere-Smith

PHD Student (University of Kent)

Kat Frere-Smith
Miscellaneous Information

Kat is currently undertaking an NIHR ARC KSS funded PhD Studentship in Applied Health. She is focusing on health literacy and education around menopause and access to services, particularly in relation to low SES groups of women in the South East, and using co-production methods.

She has previously worked as a research assistant for the Centre for Health Services Studies at the Uni of Kent on the ARC KSS funded ‘Community-based volunteering in response to COVID-19’ (COV-VOL) study and then worked as PPIE Lead on the subsequent 'Community and Voluntary organisation Evaluation Toolkit' (CAVEAT) study. She also worked on the PRODEMOS research study (the Prevention of Dementia using mobile phone applications) with Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).

Kat is a certified health coach and put her expertise in this area to use as a team member on the SPICES research study (Scaling-up Packages of Interventions for Cardiovascular disease prevention in selected sites in Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa) for BSMS. This was a co-produced research study working alongside several community partner organisations across Sussex. The intervention involved training volunteer health champions to deliver a risk assessment and motivational coaching to community peers. CVD risk was assessed, and healthy lifestyle changes were promoted through peer-to-peer support. The SPICES model was developed and adapted to sit in the primary care setting and Kat ran this piece of work, known as Healthy Hearts Sussex, with a small team at a GP surgery in Brighton.  

Recently Kat worked for the Applied Research Collaboration, Kent, Surrey and Sussex (ARC KSS) in their involvement and engagement team. Kat is a Non-Executive Director for Wellsbourne Healthcare Community Interest Company, an innovative GP surgery based in East Brighton, and sits on the steering group for HEE South East's Community Participatory Action Research Training and Mentoring Programme. She is a Visiting Research Fellow at BSMS' department of primary care and public health.

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