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Karen Saunders

PhD Student (University of Kent)

Karen Saunders
Miscellaneous Information

 Karen is a Consultant Research Fellow neuro-physiotherapist working within the Cross-Specialty Research Team led by Dr Mohamed Sakel (Neuro-rehabilitation Service Director) at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust.

Their research projects include the exploration of exoskeleton technology for balance improvement in Multiple Sclerosis; vulnerability of BAME communities to COVID-19 and leadership during COVID-19. They have established a network forum of professionals involved in brain injury care, named Kent Brain Injury Care and Global Collaboration, contactable via our social media page 

Karen is also now working part-time on a PhD with ARC KSS focused on the Co-production and clinical trial of a supported symptom self-management intervention for Traumatic Brain Injury survivors living in the community.  Karen trained and qualified in Qualitative Research Methods at Oxford University.





















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