
Dr Kate Gee

Research Fellow and Programme Manager

Dr Kate Gee
Miscellaneous Information

Kate Gee is a Research Fellow and Programme Manager in the Public Health team at the Centre for Health Services Studies (CHSS), University of Kent and the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration for Kent, Surrey and Sussex (ARC KSS).

She is working on a three-year, £2.4 million national partnership to tackle health inequalities in coastal communities through understanding creative assets and creative health partnerships, funded by The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

Kate is a Chartered Psychologist with specialisms in arts and health, performers’ health and wellbeing (particularly performance anxiety and perfectionism), and social/environmental psychology.

Prior to joining CHSS, she was a Research Fellow in Performance Science at the Royal College of Music, and an Honorary Research Fellow at Imperial College London. From 2013 to 2018 she was Postgraduate Director at Canterbury Christ Church University for the UK’s first part-time psychology conversion course. As Senior Lecturer in Psychology, she also established the first cross-faculty course in music psychology, and produced innovative courses on research methods, ethics, and critical perspectives in mental health and wellbeing.

Kate trained as a psychologist at the University of Sheffield, completing a BSc (2003), MSc in Research Methods (2005), and PhD in Social Psychology and Music (2009). Her PhD research was carried out under the tutelage of Professors Chris Spencer and Stephanie Pitts, examining musical identities and portfolio careers in artists.

In her spare time, she works with the local Salvation Army band and a number of other big-band and contemporary ensembles. She has worked as a trustee for the British Association of MusicTherapists (2017-2018) and the City Music Foundation (2018-2025)and is now a governor at Boughton Under Blean and Dunkirk Primary School (2023-present).

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