
Dr. Julie MacInnes

Research Capacity Building Lead and Academic Support Lead

Dr. Julie MacInnes
Miscellaneous Information

Julie is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Services Studies (CHSS) at the University of Kent and an experienced nurse, academic and researcher. She undertook her PhD on the self-management of people with heart failure.

Julie’s main area of expertise is in integrated health and social care for older people, including the contribution of the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector.  

Most recently, Julie led the ARC KSS funded CAVEAT project which was the development and testing of a community and voluntary organisation evaluation toolkit. This built on the COV-VOL study examining the impact of volunteers supporting older people shielding at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. She also worked with the Royal Voluntary Service on a ‘thought leadership’ piece on volunteers in social care and has led evaluations on virtual wards for frailty and Discharge to Assess initiatives. She is a Trustee of Age UK Canterbury.

Julie has worked on a number of national and European projects including the DHSE national evaluation of the New Care Models, or Vanguard integrated care programme in England, and SUSTAIN - sustainable, tailored integrated care for older people in Europe, funded by Horizon Europe.  She was also the expert consultant for the European Social Network working group on integrated care for older people in Europe. 

Julie is the current lead for the NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) Programme at Kent. She is an experienced research supervisor of Masters and PhD students, a PhD panel Chair, and a PhD examiner.

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