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Ashley is a Data Scientist with expertise in quantitative public health research, environmental health, and health inequalities.
In 2024, he joined the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Kent, Surrey, and Sussex (ARC KSS) as a Research Fellow within the Public Health theme led by Professor Lindsay Forbes. He has since worked on inequalities in coastal health, supervising research, and pursuing novel lines of inquiry.Ashlety joined the Centre for Health Services Studies (CHSS) at the University of Kent in 2016 and has worked with a wide range of community groups, nurseries, schools, and councils on different facets of the air quality issue. He has conducted air quality appraisals, delivered workshops, assisted community groups with monitoring, and served as an expert witness in a public inquiry. His publications in this domain highlight flaws in the current regulatory and monitoring frameworks regarding air quality.
Ashley published the first study to estimate the lead exposure risk from general aviation emissions in the UK, bringing national attention to an overlooked public health issue.
Before transitioning to public health, Ashley obtained a doctorate in Systems Engineering while working for Vodafone R&D on interference mitigation in cellular networks. He has a strong quantitative foundation in Computer Science and modeling complex systems.
Ashley’s interests include health inequalities, environmental health, and the application of technology and data science to public health challenges. He is committed to bridging the gap between evidence and practice to improve health outcomes and reduce disparities.