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Ayse Aslan

PhD Student (University of Surrey) Digital Innovation

Ayse Aslan
Miscellaneous Information

Ayse has a background in Psychology, having graduated from her BSc Psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University in 2020 and then completing her MSc in Psychological Research Methods at the University of Sheffield in 2021.

Throughout her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, Ayse has gained experience working with children and adults with autism, learning disabilities and mental health difficulties within the community and a clinical setting. During her undergraduate degree, Ayse assisted on a collaborative research project ‘Growing Older with Learning Disabilities in Greater Manchester’ funded by Ambition for Ageing which explored barriers older people with learning disabilities experience when being a part of their community.

Ayse is currently a PhD student in the department of Health Sciences at the University of Surrey. She has joined the ARC KSS Digital Health theme to investigate the role of families and/or carers in increasing technology acceptance and use in elderly people. The title of her project is ‘Reducing Digital Disadvantage in Older People during COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Families/Carers in Increasing Technology Acceptance and Use’. The project will use mixed methodology and findings will help to inform and develop ‘Lessons learned’ resources that can be shared with primary care services to reduce digital disadvantage in older people.

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