
Professor Ann-Marie Towers

Social Care Theme Lead

Professor Ann-Marie Towers
Miscellaneous Information

Ann-Marie is Professor of Social Care Research at the Centre for Health Services Studies (CHSS) at the University of Kent, a Senior Fellow of the School for Social Care Research and an honorary academic for the UK Health Security Agency. Ann-Marie leads the social care research cluster in CHSS and a programme of work to develop and support the use of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (ASCOT), designed to capture the impact of social care on quality of life. She is also a co-applicant on the NIHR funded Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Systems and Commissioning (PRUComm), led by the University of Manchester.

Ann-Marie has over 20 years’ experience of social care research, with particular interests in quality of life, older adults, people living with dementia and the social care workforce. She has substantial experience leading mixed-methods research, being the principal investigator on large multi-centre grants and collaborating on national and international projects. Recently, Ann-Marie has had a leadership role in efforts to build research capacity in adult social care, which links well to her wider interests in improving the work-related quality of life of the workforce.


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